A Bit About the Different Types of Open Wounds

Woman with gauze bandage wrapped around her hand

Most children and adults are quick to resort to giving their open wounds a light wash and go on with their day. But did you know, open wounds can be extremely detrimental to your health if they are not given proper medical attention and treatment? Even seemingly minor open wounds can lead to amputations, life-threatening issues, and even death. Anyone can fall into this very frightening and viable position. There are different types of open wounds, but what connects them is their need for immediate attention. Being able to recognize these open wounds can save lives! We’ve provided some important information to better identify the different types of wounds and treat them accordingly.

The Burn of Abrasions

An abrasion occurs when your skin rubs or scrapes against a rough or hard surface. Carpet rash, turf burn, and road rash are some of the most common abrasions that people develop. Abrasions can be of exceptional concern especially when the injury occurs on highly perfused areas such as the face, head, hands, and fingers. This wound doesn’t usually cause a lot of bleeding, but the wound needs to be scrubbed in a gentle manner and cleaned to avoid infection.

Lacerations Cut Deep

A laceration is a deep cut or tearing of the skin. Lacerations are frequently caused by accidents relating to knives, tools, or machinery. Lacerations are significant due to the fact they rapidly emit blood for an extensive amount of time. This type of open wound is usually treated with stitches to ensure that the wound doesn’t stretch or tear the skin any further.

Punctures are Minimal Yet Excruciating

A puncture is usually a small hole caused by a long, pointy object, such as a nail or a needle. In certain cases, a bullet can cause a puncture wound. What makes punctures so dangerous is that they may not release a vast amount of blood, but these wounds can be deep enough to cause damage to internal organs. If you have even the slightest puncture or hole-like wound, you should visit a doctor to determine if a tetanus shot will be necessary.

Avulsions Can Stretch Far

An avulsion can be a partial or complete tearing away of the skin and the tissue that lies beneath it. Avulsions are usually seen in victims of car crashes, explosions, and gunshots. Avulsions tend to bleed heavily and rapidly. These wounds can even go as far as stripping blood vessels and tendons. Treating avulsions can take several weeks, sometimes even up to several months.

Get the Treatment You Need with CNA Adult Primary Care & Pediatrics!

Open wounds are dangerous for anyone and everyone! It’s never wise to assume that they will heal on their own because oftentimes, they won’t. Contact Carol N Abalihi MD today to set an appointment or learn more about how she can treat you and your wound!

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