Adult Primary Care & Pediatrics

Medicine and health care concept Doctor giving patient vaccine insulin or vaccination

Immunizations Explained: Why They Matter and How They Make the World Healthier

The human body works in magnificent ways. Take the immune system, for instance. It works around the clock to defend our bodies against infections. As miraculous as the immune system is, however, it may often require a bit of guidance to work as efficiently as possible.  That’s where immunizations come into play. Immunizations—also known as …

Immunizations Explained: Why They Matter and How They Make the World Healthier Read More »

older latina woman looking out from her balcony

The Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause Symptoms 

Despite the fact that women have been going through menopause for centuries, many women today will still be taken by surprise when strange symptoms begin to emerge. Menopause is a natural biological process and has therefore been happening since the beginning of human history. It is the time in a woman’s life that indicates the …

The Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause Symptoms  Read More »

a young family speaking with a family medicine doctor

A Look at Family Medicine: Its History and Its Importance

Family medicine has humble beginnings in the early days of the United States. In the 1800s, the U.S population was still largely rural and doctors usually visited people on horse and buggy. Things have certainly changed since then! Yet the fundamental principles of practicing good medicine still remain the same and have certainly improved as …

A Look at Family Medicine: Its History and Its Importance Read More »

The skyscrapers of Hong Kong's financial district

How Poor Water and Air Quality Affect Our Health

As humans, we need water and air to survive. It’s no surprise, then, that our world’s water supply and atmospheric conditions play a vital role in our health. This is why people all across the country are working together to make eco-friendly choices for a cleaner, healthier future. It may seem like an uphill battle, …

How Poor Water and Air Quality Affect Our Health Read More »

an elderly man talking with his house care provider

House Call Providers: Providing a Remedy for Soaring Healthcare Demands

Going out of your way to make doctor visits, pay for medical care, and seek the medical attention you need is rarely a completely feasible task. Health-abiding obligations can place what seems like a never-ending dent on your time and finances. If you’re in this situation, then working with a house call provider may be …

House Call Providers: Providing a Remedy for Soaring Healthcare Demands Read More »

Woman with gauze bandage wrapped around her hand

A Bit About the Different Types of Open Wounds

Most children and adults are quick to resort to giving their open wounds a light wash and go on with their day. But did you know, open wounds can be extremely detrimental to your health if they are not given proper medical attention and treatment? Even seemingly minor open wounds can lead to amputations, life-threatening …

A Bit About the Different Types of Open Wounds Read More »

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